Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just want to remember....

So, when I started this blog, I originally did so to update family who live far away (I have family on the East coast) and for family and friends that we just don't get to see as often as we'd like to. Then I realized how awesome technology is...I can use this blog to document my days and look back on them years from now. Maybe my kids will even be able to read them. Could you imagine how cool it would have been if our parents were able to keep a blog? Looking back on fun moments in our lives that, unfortunately,you inevitably forget about as life continues on. I feel so blessed to have my family. My husband is my best friend and my kids are my most treasured gifts. They grow up so fast and sometimes I just want to freeze time, just for a second, to make sure I always remember exactly how they are at this very moment. I love them so much. So, yesterday there was a moment that I hope I always remember (that's why I decided to write about it) and wanted to share with others! I was vacuuming the house yesterday and Ella is always my little helper. She follows me everywhere! Sometimes, when you are just trying to finish a task that is not the most fun thing to do, having a little one right at your feet can be a little bothersome. So I was trying to vacuum the kids bedroom and Ella was always right in the spot I needed to get to. So I sort of sighed and grouchily asked Ella to please get on her bed so I can finish. She climbed onto her bed and I continued vacuuming. Then I heard her little voice over the roar of the vacuum...she was jumping up and down on her bed, shouting in her tiny voice as loud as she could so I could hear, "go Mommy, go! Go Mommy, go! Go Mommy, go!". She was cheering me on! As a stay at home Mommy, you don't very often get a cheering squad for the numerous chores you complete in a day, but there she was. My little 2 yr. old cheerleader. My, how I love my little girl.....

1 comment:

Charity said...

Maria, I love your blog! I love the moment with Ella cheering, she is adorable! Most of all, I love your sentiments. Your kids are so blessed with a mom that "gets it"! See you soon. -Charity